Friday, April 20, 2018

The 8th pass can also take the post office franchisee, every month will earn good earnings

The 8th pass can also take the post office franchisee, every month will earn good earnings

new Delhi. There are 1.55 lakh post offices in India, of which 89 percent are in rural areas. But despite this there is a demand in many places of the post office in the country. Given this, Postal Department India Post gives people the chance to open and earn post office franchises.

The Post Office conveyor service through the India Post Franchisee scheme facilitates the availability of beyond the post office. Deliveries and Transmission Departments do things to franchisees. Under this scheme, easy access to the post office service and product is available to the people as well as the franchisee gets a chance to earn a decent income. Let’s tell you how a citizen can take a post office franchise and on which service he gets commissioned-
Meet this service and product

1. Stamps and stationery
2. Bookings of Registered Articles, Speed ​​Post Articles, Money Order. However, there will be no money order of less than Rs 100
3. Will work as an agent for Postal Life Insurance (PLI), as well as a collection of premiums such as the aftershocks including the After Sale Service.
4. Retail service like collection and payment of bills / taxes / penalties
5. E-Governance and Citizen Centric Service
6. The marketing of products for which the department has taken the corporate agency higher or tie-up. As well as services related to it
7. The service offered by the department in the future

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