Friday, May 18, 2018

Institute of Seismological Research Gujarat Recruitment : LD 25.06.2018

Institute of Seismological Research Gujarat Recruitment : LD 25.06.2018

ISR Gujarat (Seismic Research Institute) has published Employment News for Geophysics and Junior Research Fellow posts. All candidates are requested to read all the necessary information related to employment before this government job. ApplyInstitute of Seismological Research Gujarat RecruitmentEducational QualificationM.Sc. / M.Sc. (Tech) / M.Tech. (Exploration Geophysics / Geophysics / Applied Geophysics / Physics / Geophysical Technology) or its equivalent degree are also valid, please check the published notices forthis information for exact information.

Number of vacancies - 07 posts

Name of vacancies -1. Geophysicist2. Junior Research Fellow (J.R.F.)Important Dates

Job publication date - 16-05-2018

Last date for application - 25-06-2018What is the age limit - As per the age of the candidate 25-06-2018, should not exceed 28 years. Please see published notices for age relaxation and other information.

How will the selection in this job - for this Govt job, will be the selection of candidates according to the performance in shortlisting and interview.

How much salary will be received - According to the notification, the pay scale is as follows -Post 1 - 14,000 / -Post 2 - 25,000 / - + HRA

How to apply - You will have to apply offline for this government job. See published notices to know how to send documents and application forms.

Note - For more information related to ISR Gujarat recruitment, you can see published notices. Please share this information with your friends and help them and click here for daily employment.

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