Tuesday, May 15, 2018

State Bank of India (Gujarat) Job For Various Post Ld 02-06-2018


State Bank of India (Gujarat) has published Advertisement for below mentioned Posts 2018. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee and how to apply are given below.
HR Specialist (Recruitment)
MBA with specialization in HR / PGDM with specialization in HR
Age Limit (Min. Yr / Max. Yr.): 32 / 35
HR Specialist (Manpower Planning)
MBA with specialization in HR / PGDM with specialization in HR
Age Limit (Min. Yr / Max. Yr.): 32 / 35
Internal Communication Specialist
MBA / Post Graduate degree in Marketing / Mass Media / Finance / Commerce
Age Limit (Min. Yr / Max. Yr.): 27 / 35
Banking Supervisory Specialist (BSS)
20-25 years of working experience in the Banking regulations particularly in the credit and market risk related areas. Thorough understanding of Banking Regulatory environment.
Age Limit (Min. Yr / Max. Yr.): 55/65
Defence Banking Advisor (Army)
Retired in the rank of Lieutenant General or above
Age Limit (Min. Yr / Max. Yr.): Max. 62
Defence Banking Advisor (Para Military Forces)
Retired in the rank of ADGP or above (Retired IPS Officers), 5 Years working experience in Central Reserve Police Force / Para Military Force
Age Limit (Min. Yr / Max. Yr.): Max. 62
Circle Defence Banking Advisor
Retired in the rank of Major General or Brigadier
Age Limit (Min. Yr / Max. Yr.): Max. 60

Total No. of Posts: 13 Posts

Educational Qualification: Please read Official Notification for Educational Qualification details.

Application Fees: Rs. 600/- for the regular posts or HR Specialists & Internal Communication Specialist. The application fee is waived for all four contractual positions viz, BSS, DBA & CDBA.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on an interview.

How to Apply: Interested Candidates may Apply Online Through official Website.

Important Dates:
Starting Date of Online Application: 15-05-2018
Last Date to Apply Online: 02-06-2018

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